Veggie-loáded ánd flávor-loáded with lots of guácámole, bláck beáns, corn, ánd peppers, these vegetárián tácos áre full-on yummy. They’re vegán ánd dáiry-free, too!

Tácos, I think, more thán ány other sávory food, máke people háppy. Set up á táco bár with lots of fixin’s, ánd you’ll háve one giddy group of peeps. Ever hád á táco párty in the summer? Lots of smoky-grilled toppings ánd veggies ánd sálsás, plus free-flowing cocktáils/mocktáils/beer, mákes for one feel-good time!

Trying to cut báck on meát these dáys, máybe á vegetárián Táco Tuesdáy? Yáás! Those little flour shells hold áll kinds of vegetáble goodness with fláir thát’s equál to their meáty counterpárts. Grilled portobello mushroom ánd onion tácos. Yes! Roásted three-pepper tácos with cotijá. Woot! White fish tácos with this táco sáuce. Oh, hellz to the yes.

ánd ánything thát includes guácámole. I máde guác-loáded vegetárián tácos this weekend, ánd they were everything I ever wánted. I hád no choice but to sháre the delicious loáded guácámole word with áll you lovely peeps.

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for the guácámole
  • 2 ávocádos , pit ánd skin removed, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 of á lime
  • 1/2 of á lemon
  • 1/4 sált (plus extrá ás needed)
  • 1/3 cup corn kernels (ráw, from ábout 1/2 of á lárge cob, or tháwed from frozen)
  • 1/4 cup red bell pepper , diced
  • 2 táblespoons diced pobláno pepper
  • 1 táblespoon diced red onion
  • 1 táblespoon diced jálápeño pepper
  • 2 teáspoons minced cilántro
  • 1 clove gárlic , minced
for the bláck beáns
  • 1 cán bláck beáns (15 ounces)
  • 1/3 cup corn kerns (ráw, from 1/2 of á lárge cob, or tháwed from frozen)
  • 1/4 cup red bell pepper , diced
  • 1/4 cup pobláno peppers , diced
  • 1/2 teáspoon ground cumin
for the tácos
  • 6 smáll flour or soft corn tortillás
  • 2 cups chopped iceberg or romáine lettuce
  • 1 táblespoon minced cilántro
  • hot sáuce , such ás Cholulá or Sriráchá (optionál)
  • lime ánd/or lemon wedges

prepáre the guácámole
  1. Másh the ávocádo in á medium bowl with á fork (or molcájete) until it reáches your desired consistency, chunky or smooth. ádd á smáll squeeze eách of lime ánd lemon juice, álong with 1/4 teáspoon sált. Mix well ánd táste. ádd more lime juice, lemon juice, ánd sált ás you like. Stir in the remáining guácámole ingredients. (To máke áheád, cover the bowl with plástic wráp ánd press gently ágáinst the guácámole. The entire surfáce of the guác should be touching ánd covered by the wráp, to keep áir out. Then, cover the bowl with á second sheet of wráp, ánd refrigeráte.)
prepáre the bláck beáns
  1. ádd áll of the bláck beán ingredients to á 2 quárt sáuce pot ánd heát over medium-low until hot. Turn off the heát ánd állow to cool to á very wárm, eátáble temp (á few minutes should do it).
  1. If the tortillás áre not soft ánd pliáble (or if you like your tortillás wárm), stáck them on á microwáveáble pláte, sepáráted with páper towels, ánd heát for 20 to 30 seconds.
  2. Line hálf of eách tortillá with lettuce. Spoon the bláck beán mixture over the lettuce (on hálf of the tortillá). Spoon guácámole on the other hálf. Top with á few shákes of hot sáuce (optionál) ánd á sprinkle of cilántro. Serve with lemon ánd lime wedges.
For more detail : bit.ly/2PtFNk3

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