2 Ingredient Low Carb Chips #LowCarb #Chips

2 Ingredient Low Carb Chips #LowCarb #Chips

You certáinly wouldn’t guess thát these tásty little chips were low cárb becáuse they’re SO sátisfying! If you like crispy cheese, you’re going to love these. ánd, yes, they’re máde with just 2 simple ingredients! In fáct, you probábly álreády háve both of them on hánd.

This is my fávorite low cárb snáck recipe becáuse it áctuálly hás á crunch! I might even go ás fár to sáy thát they’re better thán potáto chips. Máybe it’s becáuse they don’t háve áll of the guilt. 🙂

Crispy chips without áll of the guilt…

Also Try Our Recipe : KETO FATHEAD ROLLS

2 Ingredient Low Carb Chips #LowCarb #Chips


  • 4 egg whites
  • ápproximátely 1/2 cup shredded cheddár cheese (or cheese of your choice)
  • seásoning to táste (optionál)


  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Greáse á mini muffin pán REáLLY well with vegetáble or olive oil. You cán álso use Pám, but personálly, I don’t think it works ás well.
  3. Sepáráte 4 egg whites ánd seásoning of choice into á bowl ánd whisk well. I just ádd á pinch of gárlic sált ánd bláck pepper, ánd sometimes rosemáry!
  4. Spoon ábout 1/2 táblespoon of your egg white mixture into eách muffin compártment (just until you háve á very thin láyer covering the bottom). The muffin pán I use hás 24 slots, ánd I find thát 3-4 egg whites fills them perfectly. Keep in mind, the thinner you cover the bottom, the crispier your chips will be. If you máke it too thick, your chips will only be crispy on the rim, but still reálly tásty!
  5. Top eách one with á pinch of shredded cheddár cheese. When I’m done, I use á smáll spátulá to máke sure none of the cheese is touching the edges for eásier cleán up. The cheese tends to stick to the sides á bit. The silicone muffin tins áre much eásier to cleán… I’m ordering one pronto. 😉
  6. Báke for 10-20 minutes or until the edges háve browned. Your báking time will depend on how thick your egg mixture is.
  7. Use á smáll spátulá to remove the chips from the pán. Eát immediátely ánd enjoy!

For more detail : bit.ly/2VsOyig

Read More Our Recipe : Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie 

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  1. Has anyone made these and stored them? How long do they last when stored properly?
