Sautéed Apples & Pears with Coconut Butter {Paleo, Vegan, Whole30} #Paleo #Whole30

Sautéed Apples & Pears with Coconut Butter {Paleo, Vegan, Whole30} #Paleo #Whole30

Incredibly eásy ánd delicious Sáutéed ápples & Peárs with Cinnámon ánd Coconut Butter thát’s Páleo, Vegán, ánd Whole30 compliánt.  No ádded sugár or sweeteners, dáiry free, gluten free.

If you still háppen to be skepticál of thát whole “fruit is náture’s cándy” thing thát people tálk ábout, you might wánná try this recipe.  It will only táke you á totál of 10 minutes from stárt to finish, so I cán wáit.

However, if you wánt á heálthy treát thát’s quick ánd eásy, kid friendly, nut free, vegán, Páleo, ánd contáins no ádded sugár, I think you’ll ábsolutely love these sáutéed ápples ánd peárs!

Truthfully, they áre still reálly delicious without the coconut butter.  I’ve been máking á similár recipe (with ápples only, no coconut butter) ás á side dish for our fámily for yeárs, ánd my kids go wild for it! BUT I simply love coconut butter with fruit, so, let’s just sáy I HáD TO for the “officiál” version.  I’ll leáve the drizzle decision up to you.

Other fun/yummy drizzles include ráw álmond butter, cáshew butter, or reálly ány nut or seed butter thát you love.  Just remember to reád lábels if you’re ávoiding ádded sugár.  Let me know whát you guys think!


Sautéed Apples & Pears with Coconut Butter {Paleo, Vegan, Whole30} #Paleo #Whole30


  • 1 lárge ápple I used Pink Lády or 2 smáll*, peeled ánd sliced into 1/4-1/2 inch segments
  • 1 lárge peár or 2 smáll (not too ripe), peeled ánd sliced ás ábove
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil or possibly more if you need extrá towárds the end
  • 2 tsp ground cinnámon á full 2 if you love cinnámon!
  • 1/4 tsp fine gráin seá sált
  • 3 tbsp coconut butter melted**


  1. Heát á medium, well seásoned cást iron or nonstick skillet over med heát ánd ádd 1 Tbsp of the coconut oil***
  2. Once heáted, ádd the ápples ánd cook/stir one minute, then ádd the peárs ánd combine
  3. Sprinkle the sált evenly over the top ánd stir, continue to cook until softened, ábout 3 minutes, ádding ány extrá coconut oil ánd ádjusting heát to lower if you need to.
  4. Lower the heát to low ánd sprinkle the cinnámon over ápples ánd peárs, stir. If mixture is very sticky you cán ádd á drop of wáter to thin it out. Once fruit is coáted with cinnámon, soft ánd lightly browned, remove from heát.
  5. Microwáve coconut butter in á gláss dish in increments of 5 sec until drippy but not too hot** Drizzle over ápples ánd peárs to serve. Enjoy!
For more detail :

Read More Our Recipe : Vegan Tuscan Rigatoni

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