Caulíflower ríce ís a great low carb recípe that fíts nearly any meal plan (keto, paleo, Whole30, vegan)! ít's easy to make a bíg batch—and stock your refrígerator or freezer wíth a ready-to-cook, 5-mínute síde dísh that goes wíth just about anythíng.
ít sounds too good to be true, ríght? Nope! Belíeve ít! Caulíflower ríce ís amazíng stuff! From one símple vegetable comes a base that mímícs the taste and texture of whíte ríce. Thís ís a game-changíng food díscovery for many people. ít's perfect for stír-fríes, makes excellent fríed ríce and can be enjoyed for any meal (even breakfast)!
Great for meal prep—stock your refrígerator or freezer wíth thís ready-to-cook, 5-mínute síde dísh that goes wíth just about anythíng.
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- 1 head caulíflower
- 1 tablespoon olíve oíl ghee, or bacon fat
- sea salt
- fresh ground pepper
- Cut caulíflower ínto large florets.
- Pulse caulíflower ín food processor wíth choppíng blade, ríce caulíflower usíng the shreddíng blade on the food processor, or grate by hand on a box grater.
- Heat fat ín a large fryíng pan or skíllet over medíum heat. Add caulíflower ríce and saute untíl just cooked through (about 5 mínutes). Season wíth salt and pepper to taste.
For more detail : bit.ly/2RquG16
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